A piece I wrote for the Medea Project’s Performance at the Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
If I could whisper tenderly to your womb,
and ask her to reveal her deepest secrets,
what would she share?
Would she speak of the synthetic hormones, elevated prostegeron and estrogen levels that make her insides churn? Would she share her grandmother’s memories of DES that left the next generation unable to have children of their own? Would she ask if you remembered Delilah, your mother’s friend, born with the truncated arms because of the oral contraceptives the doctored had advocated so many years ago?
Would she ask, “Do you think it’s really that different now?”
Pharmaceutical companies prophesying that little purple pills falling from the sky will save the day?
Is this what sexual liberation looks like? Is this what reproductive rights have come to mean?
If so, I want a new Revolution.
If I could whisper tenderly to your womb,
and ask her to reveal her deepest secrets,
what would she share?
Would she speak of the synthetic hormones, elevated prostegeron and estrogen levels that make her insides churn? Would she share her grandmother’s memories of DES that left the next generation unable to have children of their own? Would she ask if you remembered Delilah, your mother’s friend, born with the truncated arms because of the oral contraceptives the doctored had advocated so many years ago?
Would she ask, “Do you think it’s really that different now?”
Pharmaceutical companies prophesying that little purple pills falling from the sky will save the day?
Is this what sexual liberation looks like? Is this what reproductive rights have come to mean?
If so, I want a new Revolution.