My flight to New York City is two hours delayed. So I wandered into the airport magazine kiosk to see if I could find something to read.
Now I should say that I’m pretty removed from mainstream media and pop culture these days—I don’t own a TV, my radio dial is set to KQED-the local public radio station, the only magazine I subscribe to is Spirituality and Health and most of my Facebook friends post affirmations of what they’re grateful for and photos of Rumi quotes rather than their musings on the latest Kardashian affair.
Now I should say that I’m pretty removed from mainstream media and pop culture these days—I don’t own a TV, my radio dial is set to KQED-the local public radio station, the only magazine I subscribe to is Spirituality and Health and most of my Facebook friends post affirmations of what they’re grateful for and photos of Rumi quotes rather than their musings on the latest Kardashian affair.